Real Estate-related Water Testing

*We now offer a Free 1-hour Continuing Education course for Real Estate Professionals. Contact us for more details:

*Real estate test requirements are determined by lender. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Properties with Water Wells:

Q:  Which water tests are required for HUD, FHA, VA and Rural Development home loans?

A:  Coliform Bacteria, E-Coli, Nitrites, Nitrates, Lead and Arsenic. Refer to HUD’s minimum water quality testing parameters for detection limits.

Q:  Which water tests are required for a Conventional Loan?

A:  The water test requirement is at the home loan provider’s discretion. In most cases it is at least Coliform Bacteria and Nitrates.

Q: Who can take a water sample for a mortgage loan?:

A: For FHA/VA/Rural Development loans, the requirement is for the health authority, laboratory, licensed sanitary engineer or an uninterested party to collect the water sample.  An uninterested party must be a professional such as a plumber, well driller, or home inspector.  If a conventional loan is being used, the buyers mortgage determines who can take the water sale and what tests are required so check with the buyers mortgage company ahead of time.

Water Laboratories, Inc. is certified by the Minnesota Department of Health and by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources. We are certified to analyze water from private wells for all of the requirements related to real estate transactions including: HUD, FHA, VA, Rural Development, and Conventional Financing.

We offer fast turnaround time, and affordable pickup services.